Coupon Caper

  • When: 05/27/17
  • QIC: Mayberry, Red Roof
  • The PAX: Mayberry, Red Roof, Cardinal, Pope, Nugget, Cutlass, Mash Bill, Beargrass, Hydro, Taco, Seabass (FNG)


Welp, we arrived in the gloom on for the Saturday #Ruiner, only to find that our beloved cinder block coupons had been permanently moved to a new undisclosed location by the Louisville Metro Parks Department.  This caused a quick audible to be called by Red Roof and Mayberry, who were sharing Q duties for the day.  First things first, let’s mosey to the field for a little COP.


SSH (Side Straddle Hop) x20

Merkins x15

Plank Jack

LBC (Little Baby Crunches) x20

Burpees x5

The Thang…

Red Roof started out the Q duties first this morning.  Mosey to the Hill  to Garden Drive (This hill needs a name, PAX!) for some 7’s with Burpees at the bottom and LBCs at the top.  (6 LBC and 1 Burpee, 5 LBC and 2 Burpees, etc).  This was tougher than previously anticipated as Red Roof somewhat underestimated the size and grade of the hill,  and there was definitely some grumbling going on by the end of it.  Nevertheless, we all finished and some people would have to admit they probably had a little fun with the pain.

Next, Red Roof tagged in Mayberry to take over the Q and continue the #Ruiner.  We moseyed to the big field partnered up and did some 100/200/300’s with Merkins, Squats, and LBC’s.  Partner #1 works on 100 merkins while partner #2 runs the length of the field and back, then switch and continue the counting.  This took some time and everyone was feeling pretty beat down when done, so Mayberry decided to treat us to a little game he called Duck Duck Goose (DDG) in the field.

Everyone circle up and one PAX runs around the circle while the rest of the PAX does the called exercise (Burpees, Merkins, Jump Squats, LBC, Freddy Mercuries, Plank, Rosalita, Dolly, Heels to Heaven, I may be missing one).  Everyone gets a turn to run around the circle.

By now everyone was ready to hit the showers and mosey to the nearest grill out, but not before Mayberry had the PAX run one last sprint, all you got (AYG) across the field and recover back.  That did it.

Circle of Trust

Today we welcomed one FNG, Nathan Lega (13), who will be known now as Seabass.  It’s really good to be able to get a teenager to wake up and work out during summer break.  Props.

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