Back Blast: The Mutt 8/31/17 a nice little Thursday @f3louisville #getbetter

IMG_0315Well…um….yeah  actually a pretty nice little Thursday planned. We’re going to send 5 HIM to run over to the O to steal the ghost flag, maybe run snake Hill,  maybe spill some merlot, maybe get better, stuff like that. Maybe some Mary, some Cindy, and a circle of trust…. I don’t know… I don’t know if we’ll have enough time!

Q: Zoolander

33 PAX Digiorno, Spinal Tap, Uncle Rico, Tool Time, Glaucoma, Zartan, Hammer, Wilson, Taco, Bumblebee, Star Child, Mouth, Doubtfire, Spreadsheet, Draper, Road Rage, Blue Meth, Gepetto, Old Bay, Wedding Singer, Kidnapper Van, Busch, Tureen, Mad Cow, McaFee, Moonlight, Quimby, Tiger, Country Boy, Samson (2.0) Hansel (2.0) Zoolander, Handy Manny FNG

The nice little Thursday started at 5:15 with 5 HIM (Quimby, Old Bay, Kidnapper Van, Bumble Bee, and Busch) focusing on the first 2 F’s of F3. They were giddy, gutty, and ready to run  the 4.8 miles to the O to claim the ghost flag for the Mutt. Apparently the O was ready too.  Read CI’s post explaining the shenanigans, Tom foolery, and Bally hoo that ensued. It’s a great read.

After they left, my 2.0 Hansel and I watched as bikes, clown cars, and mini vans full of poshlands PAX spilled into the Mutt. It seemed like the poshlands PAX had the ghost flag on their to do list as well…….It was a glorious site.

All were properly welcomed to the Mutt, given the disclaimer, and warned of a few neighbors who liked to complain about noise and getting better. Then we got better by:

Moseying around the property to the COP.

20 SSH

20 Plank Jacks

20 Flutter kicks

20 Floyd Mayweathers

A bunch of Homer, Marge, and Mr. Buuuuuuuuurns (no Smithers)

Thang 1

A Poshlander asked, “Are there hills at the Mutt?”

“Um…yeah.  Snake hill.  I’ll show ya.”

Pair up. PAX 1 mosey down the hill, 7 burpees and sprint up the hill while PAX 2 rests and does merkins.  Alternate.  Then back down the hill for 6 burpees while partner is resting up top doing squats.  Then 5, then 4, then a lot of grunting, then 3, then 2, then some walking and spilling of merlot, and then we got to 1.

Thang 2

Mosey over to the big playground where we broke into 3 groups for some modified 4 minute ciabatta

Group 1 – Bernie Sanders – feel the buuuuuuuuuuurn!

Run down Mary hill lane (appropriately named) 5 butt kickers

Run up Mary hill lane backwards (the quad burn) 5 merkins

rinse and repeato and rotate.

Group 2 – Quarter Pounder with Cheese

The cheese is 3 burpees. The quarter pounder is 25 reps

3 burpees then sprint to the baseline of the basketball court – 25 merkins

run backwards to the other end. 3 burpees and 25 squats

sprint to the other side. 3 burpees and 25 mountain climbers

run backwards to other end.  3 burpees and 25 SSH

rinse and repeato and rotate

Group 3 – Cindy

Cindy will get you ready for the Murph. And by today’s account – many many PAX -including yours truly ain’t ready. Cindy has PMS. Stands for:

P 5 pull ups  – Why are these so hard?

M 10 merkins

S 15 squats

rinse and repeato until time is up.

It was 6:14. We didn’t have enough time for Bed Bath and Beyond or Mary – so we moseyed on back to the F3 flag and to the Ghost Flag!

Did name-o-rama, welcomed FNG Handy Manny (who is a remodeler if anyone needs) and we learned that Tool Time lends tools to all his East End buddy’s who never return them.  Oh, and I work with his wife and didn’t know he did F3…..coincidence? Nah.

COT: We thanked the sky Q and prayed for the intentions that were said out loud and those kept in our hearts. Smiled shook hands and then……..

……..Star Child and his poshlands cronies laid claim to the Ghost Flag because they argued that driving over in their air conditioned Honda Odyssey while listening to the Backstreet Boys was way harder than jogging 4.8 miles in the dark to acquire said Ghost Flag. We thought about making them race our two 2.0’s in a sprint, we considered making them take it from Gepetto (who would’ve actually beaten Maywether), but in the end we just gave it to poshlands and laughed because this is fun, and those guys are great.  Let’s keep getting better.

Well…um….yeah…we had a nice little Thursday morning.


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