9/21/17 BackBlast: The Return of the Face @OF3Louisville


In preparation for this weekend’s Battle in the Blugrass to end the Streak, 19 Pax emerged from the fog this morning for an epic beat down to cheer on the CATS…by the end of it we all looked like Bobby P after a romantic evening cruise.

QIC- Face

Pax (19)- Diablo, Taco, Mr. Clean, Newman, Kilo, Jordy, Red Roof, Pope, Trump, Scratch, Loco, Zartan, Swifty, Storm Trooper, Splinter, Abicus, Secrest, Bean Counter.

Being that any FNGs (and Cutlass with the Ghost Flag) were still in bed, we got to work and mosey’d to the basketball courts.


  • 20 SSH IC
  • 10 Merkins IC
  • 20 Plank Jacks IC
  • 20 Imperial Walkers IC
  • 20 LBCs IC

Mosey back to Kroger Koupon Field and partner up

Thang 1- Ohhhhhh C-A-T-S, CATS CATS CATS

After grabbing coupons, each Pax partnership lined up along the side line of the Field of Screams.

3 rounds. While Partner 1 does the exercises below, Partner 2 sprints to the opposite end for:

  • Round 1: 15 merkins
  • Round 2: 30 SSH
  • Round 3: 10 merkins

The Partnership cycles through all 4 below alternating with sprints/exercises and planks when finished.  Repeato until the BBN has the love from the Pax.

C–  Coupon Curls (AMRAP)

A– American Hammers w/ coupon (AMRAP)

T– Twerkins (AMRAP)

S– Smurf Jacks (AMRAP)

Thang 2- Circle Up for Some Mary

  • 20 Freddie Mercuries
  • 20 Gas Pumps
  • 20 LBFCs (Lil baby flutter crunches, for the exceptionally coordinated)
  • 20 Rosalitas
  • 20 LBCs

We ended with a mosey the long way back to flag

After an exceptional count off and namorama, we handed it over to Red Roof who reminded the Pax of the upcoming #convergence with celebrity Q KY as well as the toiletry drive for the St. John Center.  Zartan then took over and discussed the #SamStrong event today at Mellow Mushroom in St. Matthews as well as the raffle of deliciousness.  So far #F3Louisville has really come through in raising nearly $10,000 to date with another $5,000 still out there.  This effort, brought about in such short time, truly shows what a bunch of #HIMs can do when given a cause.

We then circled up for intentions during which Jordy left us with an incredibly uplifting reminder that we should always look to help, keep perspective, and be thankful for what each of us has been blessed with. Words were said to the Sky Q and we broke to dominate the day.

Thanks to all who allowed me to lead and followed without question.  The streak ends on Caturday.  Face out.

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