Black Ops waterfront: Bringing the girls 

QIC: Nugget

PAX: Pope, KY, Captain Insaneo, Madcow, Starchild, Newman, Face, Nugget

8 PAX braved the Waterfront for a Black Ops mission led by YHC. Still smelling the Sweetwater and Bourbon (thanks Old Bay) from last night, we took short mosey to the playground where all the fun would commence


15 IW IC

10 arm circles forward and reverse IC

15 Ave Vigodas IC

Despite KYs love for the arm circles, it was time for the thang

Thang 1


I brought a friend from  my crossfit days named Fran

This is 21-15-9

Pull ups

Coupon thrusters

This didnt take long, but KY took back some of the earlier comments fton the COP

Thang 2

My other friend Linda

10-9-8… 1

Coupon Deadlift

Coupon bench press

Coupon press

This was a solid workout even with the lower wight if a coupon. Definitely a cardiovascular kick since we had no running in the agenda. BTW Pope destroyed us in this round. Man’s a beast. Tclaps 

Thang 3


Round 1 Dips 

Round 2 Planks

Round 3 Freddie Mercury’s 

The Dips were a killer and the Pax should thank YHC for the killer sweep up they had post shower this morning (arms, get your head out of the gutter). A lot of mumble chatter at the beginning until the o lyrics voice we heard was CI. To the shock of Star child who asked, “How is he talking? Is he even doing this?”

We finished with so. E Mary with the Pax calling and counting an exercise. CI (ROSALITAS), Pope (flutter kicks), Newman (gas pumps), KY (Heels to heaven).


We spoke of last night and being great men, fathers and husband’s today and everyday.

It was great being back on the Q. It’s been too long

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