The Mutt Backblast 9/28/17 Mad Cow VQ


Well 23 HIMs including 4 FNGs wandered into the pasture this morning hoping MadCow could take there minds off the dumpster fire know as University 6. The air was brisk and the pasture had been well groomed so perfect time to start out on the blacktop.


PAX: Tiger, Quimby, OJ, Shrewt (FNG), Digorno, KaTina, Juicy, Tureen, Zoolander, Mini Me (FNG), Spinal Tap, Old Bay, Spreadsheet, Deuce (FNG), Daisy (FNG), Kidnapper Van, Curly, Backdraft, Zartan, Gepetto, Buschhhhhhhhh, Waterboy

Jog around school to the main parking lot for the COP.


All 20 count IC: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Plank Jacks, Arm Circles forward till Q calls switch then reverse.

Now that we are warm,

Thang 1: Partner up & line up on the curb across from the church portico

4 minute circuits:

1st Circuit P1 SSH AMRAP, P2 Mario across the parking lot to the building for some Ascending Testicles (derkin position with feet on the wall body at about 15 degree angle 5 derkins, then walk feet up the wall to 45 degrees and 5 derkins) mario back to switch with P1. Rinse and repeato for 4 minutes

2nd Circuit, back on the curb, P1 Air Squats AMRAP, P2 sternberg slide to building, 5 burpees, slide back to switch with P1. Rinse and repeato for 4 minutes

3rd Circuit, back on the curb, P1 mary of your choice AMRAP, P2 walk lunge to building, 4 burpee broad jumps back towards P1 then sprint rest of way to switch with P1. Rinse and repeato for 4 minutes.

Thang 2: DORA 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, & 300 airsquats as a pair.

P1 mosey over to grab coupons from behind the MPB, P2 head up to the football field.

On the line at the field goal P1 starts merkins amrap while P1 bernie sanders to mid field and then sprints back to relieve P2. This continues till each pair has completed 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 airsquats as a team.

Doesn’t seem to be hard enough for this pax so for the last 10 minutes instead of running while not performing the excersise lets have that partner do Colt 45. Pick up your coupon 15 bottom half curls, 15 top half curls, & 15 full curls no rest between. When its your turn again on the coupon drop down to 10, 10, 10 and finally 5,5,5. Pax seemed please so time to circle up.


4FNG’s welcomed and appropriately named. Intentions for Screech and #samstrong. Please keep these guys in your prayers as they are having a very serious procedure Friday.

Really enjoyed my VQ! Thanks everyone for coming out.


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