The O Back Blast 10/10

EA23D0F3-A796-4641-BDFE-4EFBFA873A1DQIC: OJ – Time to break this maiden!
19 PAX, Bean Counter, Trump, Captain Insane-o, Jordy, Storm Trooper, Curly, Scratch, Mr. Clean, Face, Spinal Tap, Cutlass, Wham, Glen Ross, Diablo, Double Down, Splinter, Vincent, Loco
We moseyed a couple hundred yards up for the warm up session.
25 IW IC
20 Arm Circle Forwards IC
20 Arm Circles Backwards IC
25 Plank Jacks IC
Early name session, while holding plank each PAX called out their name and everyone went down for a merkin until we all went around.
Thang 1
We partnered up and headed back to the soccer field and grabbed coupons.
1. Partners wheel barrowed their way to the other side of the field, switched up and headed back. (Good grief is that field regulation size or what?), kudos to those that made it all the way, my arms gave way a little early.
2. Partner 1 runs across the field for 5 burpees while Partner 2 does coupon curls AMRAP until P1 returns, alternate rinse repeat.
3. Partner 1 runs across the field for 20 merkins while Partner 2 does 20 coupon thrusters and 20 coupon squats, alternate rinse repeat.
4. Partner 1 runs across the field for 5 4×4’s while Partner 2 does 20 coupon rows followed by 20 coupon close grip chin raises/rows, alternate rinse repeat.
Thang 2
Coupons were returned and we circled up for some Mary
20 Gas Pumps IC
20 American Hammers IC
20 Flutter Kicks IC
20 Dying Cockroaches IC
Next we rocked boats and hoes/canoes until Q called to stop
20 Freddie Mercury’s IC
Time was not on my side this morning (ok this is going too fast…wait how much time do I have left to fill?)
Thang 3
We moseyed back to the tennis courts for a modified suicide sprint. With 4 tennis courts, each PAX had to choose a different way to get to the end of each court (Bernie Sanders, Karaoke, Marios, etc.) and sprint back. When finished, 10 burpees for good measure
The finish was the short way around the track back to the flag.
We circled up, intentions were for the people and fires in California. Went around for nameorama and ended with prayers to the sky Q. I mentioned that if you would’ve told me a few months ago that I’d be out at 5 in the morning working out in the dark, I would’ve said absolutely not, much less try and lead a group. All in all, I’m thankful for the Q and mentioned the entire week of VQs that started with Seabass last week and runs with Loco and Cardinal Saturday. Until next time…

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