Parklands Back Blast

We worked out.

Well, I guess I will expand…

Weather: Clear

Temp: 41°

PAX: 13 HIMS… No FNGS: PK, Gypsy, Glaucoma, SteEmer, Methane, Rhythm, Bobross, Swifty, TootTime, Indo, Force Close, Mr. Hat, Star Child, and THE MUTHA F*N GHOST FLAG!!!

Winter is coming, and 41° will feel like Florida summer weather soon, but it did not today. I wanted to warm the engines quickly, so at 5:30am on the dot, 5 BOYOs were called out. Then we moseyed for a bit to a parking lot for the COP.

COP- 20-30 of each… I cant remember shit so whatever…

IMperial Squats

Rattlesnake Merkins (REAL slow cadence)

SSH- No I didnt make them do 100, this time….

Squats with arms out to work on form

Plank Jacks


Thang 1: Death March around the Egg Lawn

As with the O, we lined up while the last guy did 5 BOYOs as the rest of us ran, alternating High Knees and Butt Kicks as the 6 passed us up and took the lead.

Thang 2: Tag Team

Three groups with two stations. The extra group RAN from one exercise to relieve another group.

Jump Rope and Decline Merkins

Jump Rope and Dips

Jump Rope and Step Ups

Something about MARY

We circled up for some Quad WO…. Freddies, Flutters, more DaVincis, and Rosalitas wrapped us up.


BobRoss was the 6… so he shared that I named him BobRoss, because he is a graphic designer by day, and paints naked men in his basement by night. Wonderful work.

Intentions to Ice Man and his dads recovery. Also, I received word of the most horrible thing for another father that has been on my mind, and wanted to include him in my prayer. Last Saturday he lost his three week old daughter to SIDS. Please, if you know someone who has an infant, be sure they take all precautions. It’s worth bugging someone about this issue.

Huddle up tot he Sky Q for another day on the Big Ball, and making us better men in the gloom.


Star Child

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