Black Op Friday: Not to toot our own horn but we got better today. 

Damn Sly that’s no horn. #CG 

PAX: Pope, Spreadsheet, Digiorno, Happy Fingers, GlenRoss, Wham! & Zartan

Conditions: 32 degrees and windy. 

We jumped in with a lap around the school to get the blood flowing. Followed by 

20 SSH IC, 20 IW IC, 10 Grass Grabbers IC, L&R leg quad stretch. 

Tightened up the circle for BearCrawl thing.  One PAX bear crawls around circle while PaX does Merkins. Next pax goes and we do LBC. Rinse repeat until everyone has gone once. 

Mosey down to get the coupons and circle up for rotating deuces. Each PAX calls 2 exercises followed by lap around building. 

15 Presses 15 dips LAP

15 Derkins 15 Curls LAP

15 Coupon hammers 15 Squats LAP

Block Webs to 3:12 incline merkin and press LAP

15 Cross over Merkins 15 rows LAP

15 Storm Trooper Squats 20 second Coupon raise chair position LAP

15 Plank Jacks 15 press/Rosalita combo 

Return coupons and hard run back to Flag. 

Timing running out so Phiffer kicks on YHCs count.  20 LBCs on your own and 5 Boy-Os just because. 

COR NOR and Wham! was the six. 

Any questions? 

Announcement for St John’s Center tomorrow, Intentions for Heitmans and Kauffmans. Thank the Sky-Q for this group and the ability to show up and get better on a daily basis. 

YHC Zartan 

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