Build-a-Bear Backblast from the Mutt @F3Louisville 11/15

Q: Captain Insane-O (CI)

11 Pax: OJ, Zartan, Glenn Ross, Wham!, Spreadsheet, Fall Guy (double respect), Busch, KV, Old Bay, Happy Fingers, CI

Conditions: 37, clear. Maybe 3 mph wind from the West.

The Pax rolled in bundled up like a morning patrol on Hoth. YHC trends toward the warm side so shorts, smedium, arm sleeves and gloves were all I had (and a doorag so my wig didn’t blow away). (This is for Zoo, who was NOT THERE).

Pretty sure based on my plan, these fools would be shedding layers soon.

My plan, which I’ll lay out in detail below was to go back to the old school. Kind of how I remembered my first couple of F3 workouts. No real theme or big reveal. Just a sh$t ton of Merkins and burpees. You know, a nice little Wednesday at the Mutt, or as I will now call it: CI Day (Old Bay seconded it, so I’m pretty sure it’s a thang now).

Here’s what went down:


15 SSHs

15 Merkins

15 Squats

15 SSHs

15 Merkins

15 Squats

15 SSHs

15 Merkins

15 Squats

All IC

Name Circle Burp

The Thang

Build a Bear: Everyone at end of a parking line. 5 (changed quickly to 1 because 5 is cray cray) Body builders (isolated Burpee with a plank jack), then bear crawl down, around, up to next end of parking line.

We did this for 31 parking spaces. For those of you studying for the quiz, a normal space is 9 feet wide. So 279 feet or 93 yards of that crap.

About halfway, the lot looked like the floor of c-rated Siberian strip club. Layers of clothes and hats strewn about. Mostly larges or xls. Told you they’d warm up.

Spreadsheet’s smile 3/4 of the way pulled me through. And we all saw Zartan go for extra credit. OJ was Larry Bird on that set. Damn sons!

Mosey back down to the start for Mary Webbs. LBCs/Rosalitas 1:4 ration. 10:40 end.

Mosey to a new spot for Lateral Burpee Tabata: 20 on/10 off. 5 sets I think?

Then merkin tabata. 5 more sets i think?

AYG sprints. There was a garbage truck bearing down on our sprint. Someone said “look out for the garbage truck.” Zartan and I️ jinxed each other saying “that garbage truck better look out for us.” It swerved first. 😏 Jog (soft J) back. Plank for six. Repeato.

COR, NOR, announcements. HIMsGiving, Quimby T-Day Q and Qschool/Lead School on 12/9.

I closed it out. I thank these men for coming. I hope it was hard this morning so the rest of the day is easy.

CI out. Hope this gif works for Zartan.

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