F3Blackops Backblast 11-17-17, @F3TheMutt 7 PAX #gotbetter chasing #Cindy #itsonly20minutes

This meeting was called by Digiorno…6 other #HIM joined in chasing CINDY.  

Digiorno, Gippetto, Tureen, Wham!, Pope, Spreadsheet, Backdraft

I think we all were hoping for this Cindy to be there to cheer us on this chilly morning.  

Anyway, we were on our way.  20-1 minute intervals of the famous Cindy WOD.  Keeping up with that B!%$@ was not easy.  After the first few minutes I thought to myself, this isn’t so bad.  Then, the 1 minute timer was ringing faster and faster.  Of coarse, Pope was leaning up against the fence waiting for everyone to catch up (we don’t hate you, honest).

After the final buzzer, Backdraft suggested a quick couple laps around the school.  Again, Pope is out front and suggest 1 more lap.  We decide to keep going (we still don’t hate you Pope).

All in all, some of us tried something we hadn’t done before and #gotbetter.  

YHC thanked everyone for being there and how much it means to him.  NOR, Backdraft was the 6 (family of firefighters, since he was 15) what a great guy, COT, Intentions, Backdraft closed us out in prayer.  

It is an honor to be amongst such great #HIM.  


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