Posh Ruck BackBlast 8 Pax and 1 lost dog

1FFDBEDC-B298-4995-B9CF-38E0024835A3Pulling up to the Gloom this morning the first thing I see is what seems like a loose dog.  Not so fast, IceMan decided to bring his 4 legged 2.0 Heidi along for the Ruck.  What seemed like a great idea, was actually not.


When the Pax Started to pick up the pace, Heidi decided rucking was not for her and she’d be better off searching for a soul mate.  The picture attached above was sent from a nearby hunter to IceMan.


It seems as though Heidi found her a fairly attractive Yorkshire terrier.  In my opinion I would choose a much more manly soul mate for her, but that’s just me.


UPDATE:  Heidi was found waiting for IceMan next to his car.


3.5 mile ruck in exactly 1 hour.

Team weight: 40 lb duffle bag to be passed around


Kilo; IceMan; Little Jerry; PK; Glauc; Swifty; ToolTime; Skid


Love Ya!



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