BackBlast #theFOG #thePoshlands #NoRunningAllowed

No Running running man

YHC arrived early for the pre-beatdown #Ruck. Like a magician, Glauc appeared out of the darkness and mumbled something about Peter Peckers or Packers or something. YHC just nodded in agreement; it was early. While awaiting the Ruck Q, Kilo, Glauc demonstrated the Peter Pecker exercise.

pencil in pocket

YHC modest eyes burst from his head in fear we could lose our awesome AO @Poshland due to lewd behavior. Alas, the AO remains secure and fortunately for Glauc there are no videos of the demo!

12 Skeptical PAX decided to see if YHC was serious about #NoRunningAllowed at #thefog

Yes I'm serious

Q – Abacus, Mr. Hat, Double Down (Respect), Steamer (Respect), Forced Close, Kilo, Skid, Methane, Propane, Big Bird, Devitto (FNG), Gypsy

In the early gloom of #theFog nervous #mublechatter filled the air. “is Abacus serious? #NoRunningAllowed”; “I’ll believe it when I see it” exclaimed another; “how tough is a workout without running”…these were all challenges YHC considered before designing such a #beatdown, while designing the #beatdown, and during the #beatdown.

Designing #NoRunningAllowed was much tougher than I thought for two reasons (i) I love to run and (ii) running covers distance and chews up time…How else could large chunks of time be filled while still inducing muscle aching levels of lactic acid? Keep reading!!

YHC administered the disclaimer. Of course the PAX thought this #beatdown would be easy, so all enthusiastically agreed that YHC is not a professional and modifications may be a good idea.

Since we could not run, we circled up for some good old fashioned warm-ups:


Squats – 25 I/C

Merkins – 25 I/C

Elbow Planks – PAX count around the COP to 100

Nancy Kerrigans – YHC counted off and focused through the #mublechatter to keep the #beatdown on schedule

Daft Punk – 5 I/C (these are awesome lunges!!!)

Chinhooks – 20 because these are fun and we look really stupid doing them!

Surrenders – 15 I/C (also known as Monica Lewinski’s)

Abe Vigoda – 15 I/C

Al Gore – YHC thought better of offering to sing Christmas carols to the PAX and counted until exhaustion

Time for our first movement without running!

PAX lined up in plank position while the 6 bear crawled to the front. Once at front the new 6 started bear crawling. Rinse and Repeat until everyone’s arms were dying and then PAX continued forward. Quit when you’re done not when you’re tired.

Sensing a tired PAX, a 10 count was given before the next phase of the #beatdown

Next up ATMs…2 sets of ATMs. Shoulder taps, slow count merkins, fast count merkins. Before traveling on PAX knocked out some BLIMPS. YHC’s brain was a bit foggy and forgot the exercise for the P. The PAX came to the rescue. Plank Jacks will never be forgotten again. For good measure, PAX completed 2 rounds of BLIMPS. Time to move on…

PAX partnered up for a wheel barrel walk of nearly 50 meters or was it 500 meters? It felt like 500, but was more like 50…After lots of huffing and puffing the PAX arrived at some newly acquired coupons.

PAX lined up shoulder to shoulder for a coupon brigade around the parking lot. YHC thought this was going to be a lot smoother than it turned out. Lesson learned brigade really just looked stupid and wasn’t very hard.

Back at the coupons the PAX were treated to partner coupon exercises. Partner 1 completed the coupon exercise while Partner 2 completed some Mary (plank, LBC, Freddie Mercury). Coupon exercises included:

Colt 45 X 2 sets per partner

Two hand rows 20 count X 2 sets per partner

Sumo Squats 20 count X 1 set per partner

25 Decline merkins using the curb

25 Dips using the curb

With time running short, PAX moseyed over to the flags for some Yoga.

Circled up, welcomed our FNG (Devitto named for Danny Devitto in the movie Twins). YHC took us out with some #mublechatter about speaking the Truth. The PAX were kind enough to listen to YHC’s rambling.

Coffeeteria followed with DoubleDown, Forced Close, Devitto, and Abacus.

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