The ghost is revealed at the Posh

Q: Nugget (ghost)

Pax: Nugget, Seabass, Double Down (respect), Star Child, Swifty, Donkey sauce, Gypsy, Tool Time, Dunphy, Kilo, Methane, Glauc, Pinkie Pie (FNG), Boozer

Well, I am impressed that the secret was kept up until gametime. YHC walked up and they knew on sight. I wouldn’t say that I was a friendly Ghost, but we got better nonetheless.

Circled up at the flag for some COP

Disclaimer followed by,

Abe Vigodas IC



Copperhead SQUATS (not Merkins, SC) IC

Arm Circles

Lunge walk to the road, then Billy run to the base of the bridge and line up in order of finish. I used this to create partners for some BLIMPS. Side note: you know how there is always that one fan at the Golf Tourney that Yells “GET IN THE HOLE!” on each shot, that is KILO) Kilo finished first and was teamed up with the legend that is Seabass, and we all heard about it the rest of the WO.

P1 runs to the top of the Bridge for 10 dips

P2 does the appropriate exercise for the corresponding round AMRAP until P1 returns and switch:


Lunges in place

Imperial squats


Plank Jacks


Freddie Mercuries until the 6, but the 6 wasn’t far behind.

Next Lunge walk to egg lawn. There we circled up for some Tabata.

20 sec on, 10 off for 8 rounds for each exercise




Mumblechatter was high for the merkins and squats. I’ll spare you the turtle head story. But Kilo is no longer welcome at Thornton’s. 3 rounds of Tabata with no real break is pretty tough, and the Pax impressed with their performance.

We finished up with what has become YHCs favorite send off, Duck, Duck, F3.

Got through about half of the Pax and time was called. We did burpees (2x), Star (child) Squats, Plank Jacks, SSH and Merkins.

Moseyed back to the flag for COR, NOR and COT

Made announcements about MM on Wednesday, New Comz on Slack, and the Ruck and JMF on the 29th. I also encouraged the Posh to set a HDHH place and time weekly. Some of my best ideas have come from the 2F at the HDHH. I also plan on creating a convergence HDHH once per month to get us together. Donkey Sauce called the six and I was rewarded for my curiosity. Ended with some intentions for Kilo and families touched by a lost M way too soon, Kilos uncle going into surgery, and Dynomite’s Baby arrival. YHC had some final words about the faith in the Pax and building that Faith throughout the day

.giphy (7)



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