Backblast 1/8/18 at The Poshlands


PAX: Methane, Kilo, Booser, Dunphy

Weather: A little sleety, but mostly a lite drizzle.  However – it felt like a summer compared to the last couple morning workouts!

I hear a lot of HIMS say they get nervous the night before they Q… not me!  A good way to get rid of the nerves is to not know your the Q until the ride to the AO.  Methane picked me up and halfway to the Poshlands ask me what I had in mind for today. I responded with a WHAT!  I’m not the Q today… I’m down for Wed! Not so much! I was on for today and had 5 minutes to prepare.

We started with an Easy mosey around the bern (Watching for ice patches) to the pavilion. Circle up for warm-ups.

20 SSH

20 Imperial Squats

20 Abe Begodas

20 Plank Jacks

20 Incline Americans

Arm Circles/stretching…

We mosey to the Rock Bridge for the Thang…. watching for ice patches

Thang 1:

Everyone grab a rock

20 Shoulder presses

20 BR-BYOYO’s these are Burpess with your rock.  The rock is on the ground as you go down touch your nose to the rock when you do your push-up then raise your rock over your head as you go up.

20 Arm Curls

20 Tricep Curls

Thang 2: We rest our legs on the curb and start ab excerises

20 LBC

20 left side oblique LBC

20 right side oblique LBC

We mosey back to the pavilion watching for ice patches

Thang 3:

20 dips on the picnic tables

20 decline americans

Finish off with 20 more dips


We circle up and give thanks.

A very short COT because of the rain and just 4 HIMS after Boozer had left.

I thanked everyone for helping me get better and apologized for the lack of a preblast.

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